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Monday, August 16, 2010

Time to break the vicious cycle

"Insanity- doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Albert Einstein

This quote really resonates with me because I know I do this in so many areas of my life. Now at age 40, I am obese and experiencing some very scary health problems, if I continue to stay on this loop trail, I'm not going to make it much longer. I have so much to live for, my husband, my young children and just plain life. I want to live!

I finished reading "Dr. Bob's Drugless Guide to Balance Female Hormones" By Dr. Robert DeMaria, he mentions that if we don't change our eating habits, how can we expect our health to change. Too many people, myself included, want the magic pill, that will make us healthier and cure all our ailments, because we have developed so many poor eating habits that it's too hard to change.

I am making the choice right here and now, that I'm not going to continue eating ice cream, brownies, cookies, white bread, french loafs and cake and expect myself to be in excellent health. I plan to practice Dr. Bob's eating recommendations to balance hormones since mine are pretty out of whack! I have hypothyroidism, my progesterone is low, I had to take natural progesterone during each of my pregnancies and lost one because I did not know I was pregnant and didn't get on the progesterone in time. I have been plagued with acne since I was in high school. I thought one of the benefits of getting older was that the acne would go such luck for me ;-)

I will be cutting out gluten, dairy and refined sugar and adding more vegetables and healthy fats to my diet. It will not be easy, but I am very motivated right now, I want to live, Lord willing, to see my children grow up, attend their weddings and meet my future grandchildren. I would also love to travel the world with my husband after he retires.

Come join me on my journey to health, break the vicious cycles in your life, let's live life to the fullest!

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